Sunday, January 24, 2010

Cooper on Skis!

Cooper got to try out skiing today. He had been dying to because his big brothers do! I was very nervous but he did great. My pictures did not turn out very good, but I will get more. His skis are so little

He mastered the magic carpet very quickly. He never fell getting on or getting off. He kept trying to walk up it once he was on because it was not going fast enough for him.
Brooks was there to help while Ty took his lesson. Cooper was so well balanced. It was crazy how well he could shift his weight and recover without falling
OUCH! I swear his joints must be made of rubber.

He defiantly did not learn much in the way of technique, but he had fun and had a positive first experience on his skis. He even got to where he did not want any help at all! "No help, Mama" was shouted more than once. He kept looking back to see if I was staying back, then he would fall.
Dare I say he is a "natural"?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go Cooper! Looks like you were having fun. Can't wait to watch you.
Mimi S.