Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ski Lessons

This year Ty is finally old enough to start ski lessons. Both Mike and I were so nervous for him but he got out there and did it! Before they went out.
lots of gear
Cooper is pretty upset that he is not getting lessons. We are still trying to get him some time on skis, but he can't start the organized lessons until he is potty trained.
Ty; this is from his first lesson, but he has already had a second lesson. Here he was working on balance and staying forward in his boots and with his weight.

Brooks is doing great this year! He is all over the mountain. He is now having lessons twice a week and it is really helping his confidence. I think this year is better because he is more coordinated and stronger in general. It is fun to watch him doing so well.
Ty on his last "run" of the day

All done and ready to GO!


Anonymous said...

CUTEST ski bums on the mountain! At the end, Ty looks WHOOPED! Love you guys, Mimi S.

Anonymous said...

Great job boys! We are so proud of you both! Love Mimi Anna