Monday, December 22, 2008

Papa and Nerf Dart Tag

Let me start with a picture of the gift (and yes it does come with the protective glasses and vests.) For Christmas Evan wanted a nerf blaster. I put Mike in charge of finding a nerf blaster and we ended up with nerf dart tag. Evan and Brooks played this all morning, and afternoon for that matter. I guess Evan was tired of playing because Papa was roped in. Mike and I went to the mall to work on some shopping and this is what we came home to...........Papa and Brooks in a battle of dart tag.
I was glad to see Brooks had found someone to play tag with because myself and Aunt Janice had been on the receiving end for the entire day.
Papa and his "mini-me" Brooks in his underwear of course--the boy really does not like pants.
Papa, Mike, Roger and all the boys LOVED this toy. I guess if you have a guy of any age on your list this would be the perfect gift!
What a great sport Papa! (and finally someone else to shoot those dang darts at!)

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