Thursday, May 29, 2008

Some photos by Brooks

As promised...... some pics from Brooks and his new camera. Apparently he likes to take pictures of his feet. There were probably 20 of his feet when I downloaded these pics .

Our feet too.Off the back deck--he was trying to get a hummingbird in the shot, but they were too fast for his camera. You can tell the importance of his toys, here are just a few favorite toy shots
His camera has a neat stamp feature that will put a stamp on the pics, it is fun for him!It is pretty neat to see his perspective on things--through the eyes of a 4 year old.

And finally...............Devil Dog Dixie


Anonymous said...

Dixie a devil? NEVER!!!!!!!! Dani

Anonymous said...

These are GREAT pictures!!!! Maybe this is the beginning of a successful career that will make mom and dad millions! Dani

Anonymous said...

I love reading updates on the boys! Let me know when you are going to visit so that I can be around. I think Brooks taking pictures of feet just means he's related to the Ware's! lol Amy