Saturday, July 25, 2009

Hiking With the Boys

Today I took the boys for a hike on a trail called the lower loop. I use the term hike loosely more like a nature walk. The lower loop is very gradual and grated, but they seemed to have a good time.It was a very pretty morning and nice to be out. There were lots of people using the trail, so I felt like I was having to keep them out of the other peoples way a lot of the time. We took our time and had fun. This was an old tree that had fallen over and they loved climbing on and around it.

Brooks finally made it up with a little help.
Ty finally made it with a little help. This was a split second before Ty fell off the trunk. He was so unbalanced and I asked him to take his hat off for a picture, when I did that he fell off. He was very upset. Exploring......
Ty ever the cautious one would not go look any closer I wish the lighting had been better on this picture. I didn't want to carry my big camera so I only had my little one, but I still think this is a pretty cute shot. I don't know why Brooks is posed like this
(then Ty was mad because Brooks had been blocking him in the last shot)
Brooks attempting to help Ty "look at the camera" 2 out of 3 looking isn't bad
We had fun and the boys were exhausted. Brooks and Ty fell asleep on the short car ride home........must have been too much fresh air.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WONDERFUL pictures! Looks like it was a great day in the beautiful mountains. Wish I could have been along...Love, Mimi S.