Thursday, November 12, 2009

Cooper & Dinger

If there is one thing my boys all love, it is going to a Rockies game. There are very few things they all agree on but this is one of them. Ty is so enthralled with the game of baseball he will watch an entire game. He has learned the players and knows some of the players numbers. Brooks loves the food and the crowd, but Cooper LOVES Dinger (the mascot)
These pictures are from a game this summer.
One trip we went to the dugout store to get a new jersey and hats. Cooper had his eye on a Dinger doll, but by this time we had checked out and the crowd was huge. So there would be no Dinger for Cooper. He didn't really care but I had wanted to get one for him. In the mail a few days later Cooper got that Dinger doll from his Papa. It has been a long time since I have seen Cooper that excited. He sleeps with Dinger most every night and he is never far from his side. Case in point. Thanks Papa!
A boy and his Dinger :)

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