Well the day finally came with or without my blessing. Brooks could have not been more proud to be starting school. He loves school and everything that goes with it. You can see how puffed up he is about getting to start Kindergarten.

I took these so we could look back and know we were in Crested Butte when he started school. (not just in front of a brown door.)

wearing his new shirt from Mimi Anna and Grandpa Ralph

modeling his new backpack--of course it looks huge on him

He suggested I take this picture of him putting on his shoes! How funny!

Walking to school with Daddy

I love how you can see him pulling Mike. He could not get in that building fast enough. He actually told me I could let him out in the parking lot and he could go the rest of the way. ( i didn't think that was suppose to happen until middle school)

Finally one last picure with his teacher Miss Emmy. He does not look too thrilled and I am sure was just ready for me to leave and be getting on with the day.

He did great on his first day and had fun with his friends. His class has 14 students and he went to preschool with more than half of them. I am so excited for him and what this year ahead will mean for him!
We are so proud of Brooks! He is always so ready for a new adventure. What a lucky teacher to have him in her class. Love, Mimi Anna
We're really happy for you, Brooks, and know you'll have a great year and LOTS of fun.
Love you,
Mimi & Papa
Sooo crazy that your baby boy brooks is a kinder! Congrats and have FUN!!!! <3 dani
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