On Mike's birthday he took the afternoon off and we took the boys fishing.Brooks really loved it. He wished he could cast better, but that is coordination and just takes time to get good at casting.
Cooper really just liked being out at the lake. He did fish a little, but mostly just tangled lines and threw rocks in the water.
This was fish #2. It was on Mike's rod, but we let Brooks reel it in and 'catch' it.
None of the boys would touch the fish. I had to show them it was okay to touch it. (job requirement of being a boy mom)
Brooks waving to the fish as we released him back to the water.
Ty then decided it was just cool to wade out in the water!Brooks was having trouble fishing 'around' him--i'm sure there were words being exchanged quirky little guy
Ty wanted no part of the fish on his line. Mike knew he would be freaked by it, and of course he was the one to first catch a fish. i love these shots of him, backing up and studying the situation
He finally took a hold of the rod for a picture, but you can tell he didn't want to.Mike and I were both surprised we caught 2 fish, and now the boys will think that is how it always goes. The best part was that we were about 15 minutes from home and it made home in time for nap. It is so fun now that the boys are getting bigger and we can take advantage of our mountain living.
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