Ty had an accident while sledding yesterday. At the bottom on the drive his sled turned and he slid into the snow/ice bank. It would usually just be snow, but it has not snowed here in a few days so it has thawed and refrozen several times making everything icy.

Poor baby!

So it is like a road rash on his cheek, but it is from the ice bank he crashed into head first. I have to snicker a little bit when Mike said his feet and lower body lifted up off the sled when he smacked the snow

Still managed a smile.
I thought it would have been better by now, but it was still pretty red this morning.

Maybe next time he will get a hand up.
1 comment:
Mimi is so sorry about your accident, but you are such a brave boy to be smiling! Hope you don't have anymore accidents sledding!
Love and kisses,
Mimi Anna
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