The new bunk beds came! Brooks had been sleeping on the floor in Ty's room because he liked to sleep with Ty. We had been thinking about getting bunk beds but had felt the boys were still a little young--but as Ty continued to outgrow his small bed it was time to break down and get them the new bed.

Look how tiny Ty looks under there. He looks so small sleeping on a normal sized bed.

They still make me very nervous on the top, but I hope as the novelty of the new bed wears off they will stop wanting to just play up there.

Cooper wishing it was his bed. He is dying to do what his big brothers do. Someday baby
I hope the boys love their new beds as much as their Daddy use to loved his bunk beds. They look very happy playing on them! Miss you all very much! Hugs & Kisses!
Love, Mimi Anna
JJ has been asking for bunk bed since Jensyn was born and know he reads this over my shoulder makes him want one even more. "Maybe when daddy find a job honey" Looks like fun to me..... and JJ.
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