Today was Ty's first day of preschool. He was so excited this morning! He kept wanting to wear his backpack and carry his lunch box around. He was even wearing his backpack with his pajamas and waiting at the door about 7:30 (school was at 9:00)

Showing off his new Dora lunch box. Yes I know it's lavender, but you try finding something with Dora that isn't pink

I at least made him get the Cars backpack instead of the pink, I mean really pink Dora backpack.

At Little Red Schoolhouse. I wanted to get a picture of the school but I realized you couldn't really tell much by these pictures.

I'm not sure what Ty was doing here, but it sure is funny.

Ty had a little trouble when I had to leave. School was a great idea until he had to do it by himself. I called and checked once and he was upset and crying still. But when I picked him up after lunch Jessica said he had done pretty well. Not too bad for a first day.(I haven't yet broken the news to him that he has to go back on Thursday)

Brooks was excited to get back to school. He had missed 2 weeks from his surgery and was happy to see his friends. Brooks also gets to be upstairs this year with the pre-K class. He is glad to have some more structure and be a "big kid"
1 comment:
Ty & Brooks,
You guys look so big going off to school. Ty,I love you lunch box and bookbag! Brooks you are really growing up going to Pre-K! We are so proud of both of you! Thanks Mom for the pictures!
Love, Mimi & Grandpa
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