Here is Brooks in the lobby at Children's. Children's Hospital has a nice new campus and all of the amenities are great. Here is Brooks playing while I did all the admissions.

Pre-op took quite awhile, Brooks was quite nervous as it all began to sink in--but he had Pooh by his side.

In order for Mike and I to take Brooks to the operating room we had to wear the white suits. Brooks got a kick out of that! We let him take our pictures to lighten his mood.

Mike and I were so nervous. It was so hard for me not to let Brooks see how upset I was.

In the recovery room. I guess he had required some additional pain meds and it really took him a while to come out from all the anesthesia

He was really out!

Pooh still by his side--poor baby this doesn't even look like Brooks

Feeling a little better, and multitasking. He was happy to have his DS to pass the time.

In his room for the night. He looked so little in that giant hospital bed. He was sad to have to spend the night, but he was happy to play with the controls on the bed. He had that bed in every position it had.

He took full advantage of the popsicle rule. By the time we checked out he had easily had a dozen popsicles. The nurses told me it was okay because they would keep his hydration up.

It was a long day and a short night, but we had great care and know Brooks will feel better in the long run.
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