Brooks had his first program at the big school! It was really crowded and we were not early
enough to get a very good seat.
Luckily Mike had gone on ahead and got a pretty good spot to stand. This is the first number they did and it was all the K-4 kids. I challenge you to try to find Brooks! They put the little kids down front on the floor. He is about the center of the picture in the navy and white sweater.

I felt like we were pretty close, but the pictures were horrible. Here is when it was just the
Kindergartner's turn. Brooks is again on the floor, which made it hard to see him, I don't know why they put them on the floor when they had risers.

Brooks did great! He was so excited for his program. When he found us in the crowd
he would wave and blow kisses--what a ham!

I finally got a picture in the hallway so you could see that Brooks was there.

Eating his candy from Santa

This would have been a really great shot if Ty had kept looking :)

It was -7 as we left school after the program--
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