Saturday, November 7, 2009


In keeping with tradition we went to Denver to trick or treat with Evan this Halloween. It is really hard to trick or treat around here so we like to go to my parent's neighborhood where there are sidewalks and houses close by. Evan was Ash from Poke Mon, Cooper was a dragon, Ty was the skeleton, and Brooks was a Sumo wrestler.
The boys were so glad to have a chance to spend Halloween together.
Brooks' costume was so funny. It had a little fan that ran to keep it inflated.
To say they were wound up and ready to go is an understatement.

Ty had a skeleton mask that he wore a lot--that is until it was actually time to trick or treat

Getting readyCooper was kind of scared by the whole process. He was not fond of the dressed up big kids who were coming and going around him, and some people answered the door dressed up. He was a little nervous the whole night.
Off they go! The little boys didn't last too long, so Randy took Evan and Brooks a few more blocks after we dropped off.
Denver had had some snow, but the walks were clear and it was a pretty mild night.
Cooper had trouble with the steps, and had trouble remembering the steps on the way back down. Evan was kind enough to hang back with Cooper and make sure he had a hand on the way down. (even though Cooper didn't usually want the help)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All the kids were precious but I have to say Brooks' wins the prize for being original. He was so adorable!