When we take Brooks to t-ball it gives the little boys and I some time to play at the park. We start with watching Brooks play ball then go to the playground for a while. Practice is an hour and a half so it ends up being quite a bit of time to kill while Brooks is busy. Here is Cooper watching the clouds go by.

trying to get the most out of being a child in the summertime

Ty was not as good at cloud watching. He didn't have the patience for it.

I don't remember what Cooper was trying to show me, I am guessing it was the bus.

I told Ty we couldn't go to the playground until he smiled for a picture. I don't know why he made such a funny little face.

Ty is dying to be old enough to play t-ball. Crested Butte doesn't have a program for t-ball until he is 5 years old, I don't know how I will break that to him. He is asking about golf and soccer too so maybe those will suffice until he is old enough for t-ball.

My friend Tori said our background looked like a fake back drop at
jc pennys.

Finally time for the playground

insists on wearing his hat backwards and I have no idea why, Mike wears a hat a lot, but never backwards. It does not provide much sun protection but it is cute and maybe he will get
accustom to wearing a hat.

It was a really pretty day and a great way to spend the afternoon with my boys.
1 comment:
Can't wait to see ALL my boys!
Love, Mimi S.
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