Tuesday, June 30, 2009

How Their Minds Work......

I wish I knew how Brooks' mind works. Today he was playing with his new best friend, Dixie, and he looked up at me and asked, "when Dixie came out of your tummy was she already 8?" We had a very brief conversations about the fact she had a dog mommy and I was only her person Mommy. That led to a lot of confusion about why she does not live with her dog mommy anymore and how dogs don't stay with their mommies like boys do. Oh to be 5.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Looking at the Clouds

When we take Brooks to t-ball it gives the little boys and I some time to play at the park. We start with watching Brooks play ball then go to the playground for a while. Practice is an hour and a half so it ends up being quite a bit of time to kill while Brooks is busy. Here is Cooper watching the clouds go by.
trying to get the most out of being a child in the summertime

Ty was not as good at cloud watching. He didn't have the patience for it.

I don't remember what Cooper was trying to show me, I am guessing it was the bus.I told Ty we couldn't go to the playground until he smiled for a picture. I don't know why he made such a funny little face.
Ty is dying to be old enough to play t-ball. Crested Butte doesn't have a program for t-ball until he is 5 years old, I don't know how I will break that to him. He is asking about golf and soccer too so maybe those will suffice until he is old enough for t-ball.
My friend Tori said our background looked like a fake back drop at jc pennys.
Finally time for the playground
Cooper insists on wearing his hat backwards and I have no idea why, Mike wears a hat a lot, but never backwards. It does not provide much sun protection but it is cute and maybe he will get accustom to wearing a hat. It was a really pretty day and a great way to spend the afternoon with my boys.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Brooks' T-Ball

This summer Brooks was old enough to sign up for t-ball. I had been saying I was going to get some pictures for the blog and I finally remembered the camera. They practice first and then play a little mini-game. Here he is waiting for his turn to bat. He actually hits the ball pretty well. I think it is because he is so tall he can swing down at it.
quite the follow through
(this was during practice, not the game)
He seems to like playing, but like all things it takes a lot to keep his attention. It helps that his friend Porter plays too so we get to carpool.
I will try to get some more shots of him playing. It is very cute when he is in the field and down in ready position waiting for a ball.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Happy Father's Day Daddy! We Love You
Thanks for being such a great Dad!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Brooks Climbing

We recently joined the rec center in Gunnison so we could use the pool, but they also have a great climbing wall. Brooks loves climbing. It is very popular with the kids in Crested Butte.He didn't have the best shoes, Crocs don't work very well for climbing, but he did okay. It takes so much upper arm strength!
Brooks got a little higher than he wanted here. He was asking for help, but I took his picture instead.

Not what you are suppose to do. Exhausted by his big climb
He did not get very high, but we were glad he wanted to at least try and was not afraid.
Ty and "me too" Cooper both wanted a crack at it, but you have to be 5 to try. (thank goodness!)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Swimming With the Cousins

This past week Mike's family was here visiting from Florida. While Ralph and Anna were here they stayed at the lodge so we could swim. The pool at the lodge is great because it is so warm and has great steps for the little guys to play.since the pool is indoor/outdoor the water is warm and everyone loves swimming in and out through the flaps under the wall Here they were all inside
Callie won the job of helping/catching Cooper

Cooper trying to get away from Callie. It doesn't really look like he wants help right now......he thinks he can do it by himself, but of course he can't
Brooks and Drew had so much fun playing
Brooks did not want to stop long enough for a picture
Drew finally held still long enough for a picture

It is so great to have company stay at the lodge so we can take advantage of the fun pool and hot tub.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


These are just a couple cute pictures of Cooper. I took these the last time we were at my Mom's house. He was being silly rolling around on the couch.
Here he really looked at the camera.
(that is gum he is showing you)
posing--being a ham

just relaxing, and then he jumped into the middle of his Mimi (which of course upset Ty)