We had a very uneventful trip getting to California. They boys did great and the travels went smoothly. Once we had a dip in the pool it was time to think about dyeing some eggs for the Easter Bunny to hide.

Mike and I were terrified the boys would spill dye at my folks house so they were very closely supervised.

In this shot I am sure Cooper had been told hands in his lap and not to touch anything.

Cooper eventually got into the action and loved it.

Ty was really into dying eggs this year. He was really concentrating on not making a mess

They really had great fun coloring the eggs--and it is neat to see them learn and have fun doing things I enjoyed as a child.

In the end we only broke a few eggs in the coloring process. The next morning was a completely different story.

The boys Easter baskets turned out really cute.


and Ty's

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