Brooks has started spring soccer and he is loving it. He had not played in the fall with this group so he is considered a newbie. The group in the far right all played together last fall so they had a little more of a practice/game.
Here they are running drills and learning how to control the ball. I am really impressed at how much ball control he has. Of course they all just want to kick it and kick it hard but the skills will come.

Just like in everything, Brooks has a little trouble staying on task--he got distracted when he saw I had the camera out. Sorry my pictures aren't any better. I was having a hard time trying to watch practice and keeping an eye on Ty & Cooper who were dying to get in on the action. I couldn't get any closer without causing a problem.
It all looks a little bit like herding chickens, I'm not sure Brooks is even in this picture.
I will try to get some better pictures as the season progresses.