This is how Cooper now poses for pictures. He is not just sticking out his tongue, he is spitting too.

Charming Cooper--he is such a ham

still trying to get a pic of the 3 boys all looking

A trip on the train

I love the giraffes. This one was really posing too. We didn't know why they were inside, but Cooper did not like being so close to them in a closed in space

He liked the stuff behind glass better :)

A trip on the carosel. Ty was not so sure, my mom just kept pushing him back up there on that Zebra

We had so much fun and the boys did great! It was a good time at the zoo!

Brooks looks like he is much better. I'm glad. It's so hard to have a baby sick and wishing you could make it better. The Zoo always makes things better, at least when your small. We miss you guys. Let us now when you are in town long enough to get together. Love to you all, Coryn
The boys looks like they are having a great time. They are all so cute. Brooks looks like he is feeling much better! It is great to see him smiling again! Love to all! Thanks for sharing the day at the zoo. Can't wait to see you all! Love, Mimi & Grandpa
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