As promised...... some pics from Brooks and his new camera.

Apparently he likes to take pictures of his feet. There were probably 20 of his feet when I downloaded these pics .

Our feet too.

Off the back deck--he was trying to get a hummingbird in the shot, but they were too fast for his camera.

You can tell the importance of his toys, here are just a few favorite toy shots

His camera has a neat stamp feature that will put a stamp on the pics, it is fun for him!

It is pretty neat to see his perspective on things--through the eyes of a 4 year old.

And finally...............Devil Dog Dixie
Dixie a devil? NEVER!!!!!!!! Dani
These are GREAT pictures!!!! Maybe this is the beginning of a successful career that will make mom and dad millions! Dani
I love reading updates on the boys! Let me know when you are going to visit so that I can be around. I think Brooks taking pictures of feet just means he's related to the Ware's! lol Amy
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