Sunday, July 18, 2010

Oh the Hair!

If I had a dollar for every time someone commented on or touched Ty's hair I would never have to work again.

I think this picture show his hair so pretty. It is really starting to loose it's curl. Where it is growing out at the crown it is really straight! Remember how long he was bald?
It took him forever to grow those curls!!!!
For all the boys to have gotten the curls. They draw a lot of attention to Ty that he does not really welcome, but he sure is beautiful!

Kindergarten Field Day

Gearing up for field day! Brooks was so excited to have a real track and field day. Time for a race.
Just beat out by Hannah, but you will notice she did cut him off and came into his lane.Tug of war is FUN when you are 6!
There were water events too.

Tricycle races

Everyone seemed to have a great time at Field Day!

Friday, July 2, 2010

School Pictures

Cooper and Ty had some new school pictures taken. I like the back drop, but I think it is hard to see them. Maybe I'll do these and then crop some so we can see their faces a little better too!