Thursday, February 25, 2010


Another real highlight of our trip was going bowling with Michele, Derrek, and the girls! Kids do love bowling!!!!! Drew was a bowling machine

She did great!

Mimi helped us corral Cooper and Ty to keep them back when it was not their turn. Callie would help Cooper bowl when it was his turn, which was great because then both Mike and I could bowl too.

Mike helping Cooper

Ty practicing his new favorite thing, standing on his head. He does this all the time!

Wait for it.......

Thank goodness Mimi was there to hold him up.
Brooks did really well too--but Ty beat all the kids.

We had a blast. I guess not only kids love bowling--we all had a great time. <>

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Posing with Dora

This statue of Dora was by our room at the hotel. This was the only Dora that Cooper was going to get next to. Took so many shots to get a picture of all three looking!
Oh Brooks.......
This one is good of Ty and Cooper

Monday, February 22, 2010

T-Rex Cafe

One of the nights we went over the Disney Village and took the boys to the new T-Rex Cafe. I was really excited and thought the boys would be too, but they weren't ;( They were terrified!

This is the t-rex that meets you at the door, right at the check in stand. All three were already crying by this time--Brooks said he was scared because they have skin. I will give him that. In trying to rationalize with him about not being scared he said the dinosaurs at the museum are just bone and not alive. He really thought these were alive. In true Disney fashion they were very big and had animatrionics running them that were very life like! It was so neat and amazing how big the dinosaurs were.This octopus is over the bar and aquarium. His tentacles move and were very life like.
Once the boys ate dinner there was a neat area they could dig, clean sand, explore and be archaeologists, or is it paleontologists?!?!?!
They really liked this part of the evening!

Brooks may have found a new career.

After digging they got to build a dino friend. It was in the restaurant and worked just like build a bear. They each picked a dino and then got to stuff it, clean it, name it, etc.
Cooper cleaning and fluffing his
Brooks got a t-rex, Ty got a diplodicus, and Cooper got a brontosaurus

Covering their ears during one of the "storms" in the dining area

Mike and I thought the place was great and can't wait to go back! (Cooper was just looking over my shoulder and said he liked it and wants to go back) I was amazed at how scared Brooks was, and it was very genuine fear, maybe next year he will have a little better understanding!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Family Party

One of my favorite things about going to Florida is getting to see all of Mike's extended family. Sunday we had a birthday party for all of the January and February birthdays. Mike and his cousin Tracy.
Did someone say "cake"?

Think Cooper was sick of having his picture taken?
It was so fun for the boys to see all of their cousins--many of whom we hadn't seen in a few years

They boys were completely spoiled by their aunts and cousins

Playing out on the tree swing
Everyone fell off the back side at least once

Aunt Michele's pig--or Drew's really--Batman
If you can't tell that is Ty peeing off of Derrek's dock. Leave it to our kids, Good boy, Ty