Sunday, January 24, 2010

Cooper on Skis!

Cooper got to try out skiing today. He had been dying to because his big brothers do! I was very nervous but he did great. My pictures did not turn out very good, but I will get more. His skis are so little

He mastered the magic carpet very quickly. He never fell getting on or getting off. He kept trying to walk up it once he was on because it was not going fast enough for him.
Brooks was there to help while Ty took his lesson. Cooper was so well balanced. It was crazy how well he could shift his weight and recover without falling
OUCH! I swear his joints must be made of rubber.

He defiantly did not learn much in the way of technique, but he had fun and had a positive first experience on his skis. He even got to where he did not want any help at all! "No help, Mama" was shouted more than once. He kept looking back to see if I was staying back, then he would fall.
Dare I say he is a "natural"?

Saturday, January 23, 2010


I wanted to share some video of the boys sledding. It is hard to film in the snow, because it is almost impossible to see them in the glare. Sorry for the jiggly camera too. (you can pause the music on the side bar if you want while you watch the video)

The boys love the sledding and it is another great perk of living in a ski town.


Showing off his new shark shirt :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Skiing Pt 2 (or No Pictures Please)

My mom commented on how tired Ty looked after his ski lesson. I told her that was my best picture and I would print how it really went. "Get this off of me so I can GO!" "DON'T TAKE MY PICTURE--HELP ME OUT OF THIS VEST"
The picture I used--not too bad
Really mad at me and the camera and ready to cry
He was exhausted and ready to head home. Poor baby, and all I wanted was an after shot :)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ski Lessons

This year Ty is finally old enough to start ski lessons. Both Mike and I were so nervous for him but he got out there and did it! Before they went out.
lots of gear
Cooper is pretty upset that he is not getting lessons. We are still trying to get him some time on skis, but he can't start the organized lessons until he is potty trained.
Ty; this is from his first lesson, but he has already had a second lesson. Here he was working on balance and staying forward in his boots and with his weight.

Brooks is doing great this year! He is all over the mountain. He is now having lessons twice a week and it is really helping his confidence. I think this year is better because he is more coordinated and stronger in general. It is fun to watch him doing so well.
Ty on his last "run" of the day

All done and ready to GO!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Pictures with Mimi and Grandpa

These are some pictures I wanted to share from our recent visit with Mimi and Grandpa. I think there are some really good ones.

Cooper and Mimi

p.s. i included this one for the expression on Ty's face!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Brooks Class Ski Picture

When you live in a ski town you get to do cool things like go skiing in Kindergarten. Brooks has skiing the next 4 Wednesdays instead of school, well with school, instead of class. I can't imagine the organization it takes to get all the elementary kids to the mountain and with instructors, but they do it every year for physical education credit.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Christmas Morning

Just some snapshots to share from Christmas morning. I always think these will be great pictures, but it was such chaos it just looks like a big mess. The pictures of Ty and his dino Spike are the best!
It was so fun having Mimi and Grandpa here for Christmas! What a special treat for the boys!!!! Cooper was in awe

Ty was so happy with Spike! For those not familiar he is a robot-ish dinosaur (about the size of Dixie) There is a remote control to run Spike and it is very cool. learning to run the remote
Ty LOVED it!

Cooper is terrified of Spike! He will walk through a different part of the house to avoid Spike--so of course his brothers love making Spike 'chase' after him--poor baby! This is one of my favorite pictures of the season. Cooper grabbed his truck and ran in to the family room to get away from Spike.
Brooks opening his stocking I love how sleepy Brooks looks in the Christmas morning pictures--last year looks the same--like he is not awake yet