I had promised Brooks once we owned a house he could get a new kitty. He had been asking forever for a pet cat. We finally took the time and went to the pound to get us a new kitty!

Skippyjon Jones! Brooks named him after a children's book by the same name.

We decided he looked like an
Oreo with cream filling right down the middle.

He is a good kitty. He loves to play and is very patient with the boys.

Meeting Dixie for the first time.

They do fine together. Dixie has been kind of jealous, but we have made sure to give her plenty of attention too.

They are just now really starting to play together.

resting with Mike

He is really Brooks' kitty, but all the boys like having a new kitty
Skippyjon lets them handle him and
carry him around, he is good with them.

Skippy loves it when someone sits in the office chair.

Here he was helping Ty.
Skippyjon really likes to sleep with Cooper, only problem, Cooper does not like Skippy in his room. I usually have to shut him out at night to keep him off of Cooper's bed. Here he had snuck back in,
luckily Cooper was already asleep.

Not only was he sleeping with Cooper, he was sleeping ON Cooper. Cooper would have died if he had know
Skippyjon was on his arm.

They are friends now but it took Cooper a while to warm up to him.